Avalanche Course – Alpine Guides
Last week-end I was working for Alpine Guides. I was prood to share my experience about Safety Culture. We could organize several Avalanche courses during our ski tours (mainly in the forest due to the high Risk of Danger : 4-High).
- Different strategies to adopt for the rescue
- Transceiver search
- Searching a bag burried under the snow. Team of 2 people working and sharing the different tasks: transceiver search, probe search, digging out…)
- Team of 3 skiers: digging to remove a 2.5 m burried skier, wich mean to organize the shovelling to remove properly the snow and build a large ledge to be able to assist the victim.
Many thanks to Richard, Lucy, Phil, Rhona, Michel and Amish for their interest for Safety and their motivation.